Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lessons From the Eagle

An Eagle is a large bird of prey with a hooked beak and broad wing span that hunt by day. Generally the Eagle is being regarded from ancient times as a symbol of courage and power because of his superb aerial skills, large size, and inaccessibility of many of his nest sides.
The Eagle characteristics are awesome. He is bold, strong and incredibly swift. He dwells on rocks and high places of the earth. And so let’s look at its distinct characteristics in details, so that we can learn from it.
1. Eagles fly alone at high altitude: there’s a quote that says, ‘if you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys. How true. Eagles are high flyers. They’ve come to discover who they are. And as a result they blaze the trail in life. How we need to learn from this too. Too many times people find themselves limited by their environment. In the quest of mixing up, they lose their identity. But if you want to live a distinct life, you have to realize that the way of the multitude is always the way of mediocrity and average. Decide how high and far you want to go and set your sail. Don’t accept limitation. Distinguish yourself. Be different, because you are different.
2. Eagles have strong visions: the Eagle is known to have a very strong focus couple with the ability to see up to 5km distance from the air. When eagle sights a prey- even a rodent from this distance, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move its focus from the prey until he grabs it. How we need to act this way in increasing measure. Focus is essential in achieving anything in life. Set your vision before you today and focus on it like a laser beam. As you do, no one and nothing can stop you. Also the eagles are able to see extensively small details.
3. The Eagles do not eat dead thing: this is profound. The eagles only go for fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but not eagles. What do we learn from here? Go for new information, stay abreast of the facts. Stay clear of outdated information. Yesterday solutions will not solve today’s problem. So learn new things everyday. Get in the game. It’s a new world we are in today. Be a full participator.
4. The Eagles loves the storm: the eagle is the only bird that loves the storm. The Eagle provides excellent lift on rising air currents. When the cloud gathers, she gets excited. The eagle uses the wings of the storm to rise and is pushed up higher. Once its find the wings of the storm, the eagle stops flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to soar the cloud. This gives the eagle an opportunity to rest its wings. This happens while other birds hide in the leaves and branches of trees. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably. What others see as challenge, see as opportunity. See differently, talk differently, and act differently. I will continue this study in the next article, see you then.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Seeds of Greatness

Many desire a great, fulfilling and prosperous life. Yes, you must know what you want, but then you should be a ready and able to do what’s required to get it. Success is not accidental; things don’t just happen. In fact, we daily reap what we have sown. And that’s a vital principle of life. Instead of just hoping good things come your way, you can consciously determine what is it that you want and work towards it.
If you require greatness- then sow the seeds of greatness. The seed of vision, purpose, attitude, persistence, courage toward your dream. And as you do: don’t worry whether or not ‘it’s going to happen’. It will, if you keep going. If you plant tomato seed and you water it and makes sure it gets sunlight and nourishment, guess what? Tomatoes will eventually grow. But you can’t plant tomato seed, hoping that maize will grow. It’s the same with your dream. If you want success, you must plant for success instead of failure. You don’t set out for the north by walking east, do you? Of course not! You have to be walking in the right direction to get where you’re going. Simple but true.