Somehow everyone must decide what quality of life he or she wants to live. It is interesting how people could view life differently: while to some it is like a playground, to some other it is a battle field. Some see it as something to be spent, while others see it as an opportunity to invest. Decide how you really want to see life. If you want to live an outstanding and fulfilling life, you must start to see life as that.
Life is a gift- a gift of love and trust. This Gift came from God, and you should know that every good and prefect gift comes from above. The way we live is the gift we give back to God. Won’t you rather take your life more seriously? Decide to produce fruit- lasting fruit. Decide to be successful-so successful. Decide to be rich- so rich. Decide to be happy- so happy. Decide to be the best in all that you do. Your true decision becomes your reality. When you decide you want something and you align your thoughts with that choice, nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it. This makes me remember one talk I had about a year ago with some young people. I titled it then ‘Motivations of Success’. I remember I told them that they should decide to be success, happy and prosperous. And that above them wanting it for themselves, they should know that: that’s what God want for them. That even if ordinarily they won’t want it- but because God want it for them- they should make that their motivation. Jesus said, ‘I choose you so that you will produce fruit, fruits that will last’ John 16:15. Never let another day pass without you living your dreams out. God wants you happy, prosperous and fulfilled. Accept that offer and personalize it. Do everything you can to make it work.
And know this- you are not really happy until someone is happy through you. You are not fulfilled, until you make someone fulfilled in one way or the other. So it’s time to reach out. Make your world a better place than you met it. Show love- love the unloved, touch the untouched, reach the unreached. Practice what you believe.