This last weekend I spoke to almost a hundred special people during a Leadership and Business Summit. It was a time of learning, discovery and decisions. I will give you more details on that later. But for now, let’s look into this:
In the world of today- full of competition, what will set a man aside is ‘his uniqueness’. You have to know you are unique; you are one of a kind. As you begin to harness your uniqueness, what value you will create. Many are used to competing against other people. But I tell you: the first person you should compete with is yourself. Break your own records, outdo your past, run with more energy. Invest in yourself: you are of great value. There is no one like you, there’s no one who was ever like you, and no one will ever be like you. Because you are You in your class. Come home; stop comparing yourself with the multitude. Create your own destiny. You have gifts and talents-stir up those gifts in you. Improve your abilities, and as you do put commercial value on it. You see, if you truly capitalize on your uniqueness, no one can truly and safely compete with you. Stop the constant and consistent limitation. Imitation is limitation. There’s a way you do or can do things that no one can truly and safely do it that way. When you just come to the world and do all that has been done, the way it has been done, then you don’t prove your uniqueness. Be different, because you are different.
Decide to make the world a better place than you met it. Someone is waiting for a lifetime on the gift that God placed in you. Don’t cheat them; don’t cheat yourself of this great opportunity. God invested in you- proof him to be a good investor by your act. When you use what and all God gave to you, you are telling Him: ‘God, you made the right choice and decision by investing in me’.