Sometimes people don’t know how to treat their dream: they remember it at times and forget it at other times. They treat it casually. I’ve got news for you: that will not work.
You should always treat your dream as a lover. If you treat a lover casually, you will most likely not enjoy the relationship you have with them. How do you treat a lover? Answer that question for yourself; think about it. And when you answer, treat your dream exactly as you’ll treat a lover. I endeavoured to answer that question my own way:
1. You give a lover attention and time: This is exactly what you should do to your dreams. Your dream is calling on you. It wants you to work on it. Do something that will make you move closer to its fulfilment. The more you answer the call of your dream, the closer the fulfilment of your dream to you. I can remember moments with my close friends now; being with them makes me almost lose my sense of time: suddenly three hours can look like three minutes. That what you should definitely do towards your dream, be so obsess with it that your put in your time and resources into it.
2. You treat a lover with respect: No one really has to explain to you how to respect someone you love: It comes naturally. You just appreciate them; you want to complement them. That’s exactly what you should do to your dream. Respect your dream, don’t allow anyone to talk you down. Put a premium on your dream; it should matter to you the most. If you don’t respect what you have, no one will respect it. But as you take it seriously, and talk positively about it, people will start seeing it that way. You dream demands your respect, give that respect to it today.
3. You spend your money and resources on a lover: You naturally like to invest your money on a lover without actually feeling it. This should go with you dream too. Put your money where your mouth is. If a dream really matters to you, you’ll always be ready to invest your money in it. Knowing what percentage of your money a dream consumes, I can tell how important that dream really is to you.
4. You can go any length to fulfil a lover: when you really love someone, you can sacrifice, do anything, and go beyond your comfort zone-just to make them comfortable. Love gives, love sacrifices, love look beyond the present. That’s what you should do to your dream. What’s your dream? What do you want? And then, what are you willing to pay for what you want. You should be able to give everything for your dream today.
i love this piece....thanks