For the past few weeks we have been on the series on success. For today however, I will like to share from my random thoughts, this will help you a great deal, so read on. How we need to be strong in life: to live with strength inside of us. You see, knowledge is for use. A proof that you know something is you doing it. You don’t really know something because it’s in the head; you know when you put it to practice. There are people that learn about things- maybe about patience, but then when situations show up, when there is a heat, they can’t just control themselves again. Although they have the knowledge- they know they ought to be patient, they can’t just use that knowledge. A knowledge that can’t be used is useless. Learn to use your knowledge: that’s the way to win. ‘You are a poor specimen if you can't stand the pressure of adversity’. Prov 24:10 TLB
Nobody gets the victory without a fight. You want to experience victory, apply your knowledge, that is the right information that you have-even in the heat.
If you only do what is right and necessary when everything is alright, that’s not enough. This is where courage comes into place. Courage is doing what is right and necessary in all situations. When situations get tougher, then you get tougher about what you know. But you see, you don’t prepare for war in the battle front, this has to be done before the D-Day. Prepare yourself for life’s battle and the major life battles are battles of the mind. Resolve to win your fight. Don’t just be ready to fight, win your fight.
Think about a woman in labour. When a casual onlooker sees her- the screaming, the dispositions, the cries, the push, he may think the woman is about to die. But on the contrary something good is about to happen; she’s about to give birth to a bouncing baby. That’s how life is a lot of times. There are times when things can seemingly look hard, everything look blink, your friends seem gone, the pain seems so excruciating, the noise sounds loudest. Don’t ever give up at such times. You’re in a battle, don’t run from it. Don’t give in. Stand your ground, don’t do things any how. Live consciously at such times. Use what and all you’ve learnt through the years. Fight that battle and win. The bible says, ‘you will not be allowed to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation there will also be the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Cor 10:13 NKJV. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Never give up- fight this fight, it’s time to win.
hi,this are extremely interesting post- pls keep it up. i have learnt alot