We are on the special series ‘Principles of Success’ and today I'm writing on ‘Never Fear Rejection', you’ll enjoy this.
Learn to see “no” as an opportunity, not a rejection. Prepare for greatness. You see, champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them- a desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. And the will must be stronger than the skill. Let your tenacity towards life be off the charts. I love the lyrics of song: ‘Ain’t No Stopping Us Now by Mcfadden& Whitehead’. There is so much ‘focus and hard work’ could do. So believe in yourself and go out of your way to achieve your dreams. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who push through. Refuse to accept failure: when it comes to your dream, refuse to ever take ‘no’ for an answer.
Learn what successful people do, and act that way too. Some people obviously have more going for them than others. Get to know those people. They will lead you by example, and soon you will be one of them. I have learned that successful people have a certain look: they wear certain clothes, walked and carry themselves in a certain manner. Yes, your appearance is your first impression. Think of your style carefully, and take time to do it right. When you act like a successful person and think like one, then you can never see rejection. For no one can really make you inferior without your permission. And you need to start acting successful, don’t wait. Don’t wait to see some ‘trace of material success’ first, no! Act that way first; real success starts from within you. Fortune doesn’t change men; it unmasks them. Never be discouraged in life; never let them see you sweat. Don’t just accept things around you: question the way things had been set up. Learn to ask why and why not. Have no sense of limit and have a fix on the future.
You may have been wounded in the past, but let the past be past: for it is known that the wounded deer leaps the highest. Be a leader of your life; be responsible for your action. Be active not reactive. Decide what you want and aim high, and then go for it. Leaders lead, but if you are a follower, you’ll follow the path of others: that path of safety, security, and mediocrity.
An important trait of the successful is that we don’t fear rejection. This fear could make a person not to try, ask, or go for an opportunity. Because some people are afraid of the answer “no”, they don’t ask. But acting this way gives opportunity for no response. In order words, you throw away the baby and the bath water. That’s a loser’s mentality. Develop a thick skin, never fear rejection, go for what you want today, and try more things. Now, go all out and take those steps you’ve been avoiding because of the fright of rejection. Go out with confidence. Ask, knock, seek and keep asking, knocking, and seeking until you receive. For everyone that asks, receives. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Persistence isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. If you are going to be a success, settle this: you will hear “no” many times, but look at every ‘no’ as an opportunity. Never take ‘no’ for an answer.
Dapo, thanks for this inspiring words: you are too much.