Success is discovering you. There are no naturally born failures; failure is self-made. So look inside you and find out what you have inside. And there are certain things you must do:
1. Cultivate a Discontent with Mundanity and Mediocrity in Your Life: refuse to be satisfied with anything that is mundane. Anything that is not excellent. Some people may label you braggadocios when you think like this, but never mind. Set your sail and go for it. When you win, it will be a different story.
2. Drive Yourself to Improve Your Mind and Abilities: whatever you choose to do, become the best in it. If it is good for people and good for God- Great! Go for it. Train yourself, put your abilities in front of you and say to yourself: I will manage and cultivate these. Then start and see.
3. The Unseen You is the One to Make You a Success. Train that man inside of you. There’s a man and woman of substance inside every one of us. Don’t let that inner person be intimidated. Maybe the way you were brought up: you were brought up to think you cannot amount to much. You weren’t raised to be bold. But you know what, you can make new decision today to change the future. Have new programming, new ways of thinking, new ideas, new words and change the course of your life.
4. Don’t let the Memory of the past Stop You: if your past doesn’t inspire you, dump it. You cannot change yesterday; but you can do something today that will change tomorrow. You can position yourself today and change what tomorrow will bring. So invest in your future today.
5. Conquer Your Handicaps: Let nothing stop you. That thing you would have given as a reason for failure, conquer it. Go beyond it; gain the mastery over it. Don’t let it stop you. Hang up your hang ups.
6. Transcend Your Environment: what can you really see? Start thinking of raising businesses and organisations that will rule nations. Be influential. Think of yourself as somebody special. If you don’t say who you are, ‘they’ will say who you are not. Stand up tall.
This is actually an excerpt: to get it complete, email me: dappydaniel@gmail.com.
hi nice post-i'm inspired. keep it up.