Monday, December 28, 2009
I like to share with you at this critical point of the year some of my most vital meditations, i know you will learn some very important things reading this: A true king is a king inside and outside. As an individual, be real. Know who are you- and be real. The Bible says, ‘God has made us Kings’. Live that way. Many people don’t know how to merge up spiritual and physical things together. And so they concentrate wrongly. Real live starts from the spirit, however you can make spiritual things real in the realm of the physical. In order words, spiritual things is not for the spirit only, it’s for the physical realm. We as Christians actually live in two worlds. Live real; success is not supposed to be a vague thing at all. ‘Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.’ 1 Tim 4:15-16NKJV. If you are a success in the spirit, be a success in this physical realm too. Jesus said ‘Whatever is bond in earth is bond in heaven also’. Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18
The level of your background knowledge can be your limit, if you allow it. For instant, think of a Brother who is ‘efficient’ in spiritual things- he can pray, he reads his bible, he knows different verses. But then, when it comes to physical aspect of things, somehow he lacks. It is a big challenge for him to get the funds; he can’t really get things done in this realm. No result in this realm. He even fails in class after praying.
And then there’s another one: he’s always serious minded, he reads well when he was in school. He had good results, then a good job. He had connections all over the world, maybe because he was erudite. But he didn’t know anything spiritually. One day he was travelling from a global conference, and the airplane was getting off course. He couldn’t do anything about it. After all, he doesn’t know what he could do. He crashed- died so suddenly at a tender age.
But I came to tell you; you ought to have it all. You can have successes physically and spiritually always- if you know how. God designed us to have it all. The Bible says, ‘The children of this age are in their time wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8. When Jesus showed up at the grave of Lazarus, He knew He could raise the death, and He was ready. But then, he said to the people: roll away the stone. Luke 11:39. That was a physical responsibility they needed to participate in. Give unto Caesars what is Caesar's and unto God what is God’s. Be as wise as serpent and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16
You see, in heaven your heart speaks louder than your voice (action). And in the earth, your voice (action) speaks louder than your heart. And you need to balance this, because you live in two worlds. Jesus was said to have favour with God and with man Luke 2:52
How do you balance this? This is the principle: In the beginning, God created man first spiritually and then formed him physically. Gen1:26-27; Gen 2:7. Start out first spiritually- create what you want spiritually from your spirit. But it doesn’t end there, form that thing physically. For example, talking about an exam: pray as though all you need to pass is the prayer; then read as though all you need to pass is that reading.
I tell you: you can have it all. Be real; be a doer…I repeat-a doer. It is easy to talk, it is easy to hear. But to complete the job you must do. I say do- do the word.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Its 8 days to Christmas, 15 days to the New Year and 21 days to my Birthday (i.e. 7th Jan 2010) and we have been on our topic- Extreme makeover, this is the 3rd part of it.
I want to share about two important things to note in planning for success with giant stride:
1. Upgrade Your Experience and Environment: go out there and do something with what you’ve got- your talents, opportunities and abilities. Go and get the experience. The more you use what you have, the more you will learn about it. There is so much that action does. Many are use to just learning- but learning is not enough. I like Nike motto ‘Just Do It!’ Let that be your personal slogan too. Get in the game; enough of just talking about what you want to do. Go do it today, you will be amazed things are not as difficult as they seem.
Also, upgrade your environment. Your environment starts from you-That is your mind, your body, your surroundings, your room. Clean up yourself. Dress for the job-dress for that person you want to be. Start thinking like your ‘dream self’ today. Start talking like it. It’s called ‘fake it till you make it’, but I like calling it ‘make it till you make it’
2. Prayer- how vital it is for us to pray. Prayer exercises our spirit. It makes our Spirit more aware of reality. When you pray, you are activating and energizing your spirit- man. Learn to always refresh yourself like this. Prayer is more than just asking God to do something. It’s more! I remember a friend of mine once ask me if I believed in long prayers. She said, ‘I don’t think all that is necessary, God loves me, why do I have to pray for so much, for Him to hear me’. ‘Is He that wicked?’ She asked.
I looked at her and I know she represents a lot of people. And I asked her a question: do you think when you pray to God- it is only God you are dealing with? She paused and started thinking. I said, ‘for your information, when you pray to God, is not only God you are dealing with. You are dealing with yourself, and even other Spiritual beings’. The bible says, ‘We use God's mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil's strongholds.’ (2 Cor 10:4NLT)
So, sharpen your spirit through prayer, and mind you- not five minutes prayer. Pray so much, you need it: and do it by faith, believing and knowing that God hears you. See you next week. If you read this, please Comment, I will like to hear from you- love you.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Extreme Makeover II – Sharpen the Saw
Today, I will like to write about how to make things more effective in your life: how to achieve things faster. We are about entering a new year, and I tell you- you need to prepare for it in a big way. You need to decide that it is going to be your best year ever. With you functioning with the required knowledge, attitude and wisdom, it will be.
You see, it is said that one of the definition of madness is- to always do what you have been doing and expect a different result. How true! You want a different result, then do things differently. You want a smart result, do things smartly. So let’s talk about Sharpening the Saw. “A dull saw requires great strength. Be wise and sharpen the blade” (Ecc 10:10). Your ‘Saw’ are the things –gifts God has given you. Your life, mind, body, Spirit are all gifts from God-you need to sharpen it constantly.
Many find themselves struggling in life because they don’t sharpen these: they don’t improve their mind and so they loose opportunities. They don’t take care of their body and so it gets weak. They don’t exercise their spirit- and their attitude is affected. But the Bible says, Be wise and Sharpen the Blade’. Your life is a gift of love and trust, so keep it and dress it. I want to share with you some point on how to do this:
(1) Knowledge- how vital knowledge is in the world we are in today. you need to constantly get yourself updated in learning. Constantly learn things about your business, job, course and activities around you. Get the required information. Many people have found themselves suddenly outdated-just because the were oblivious of this fact. The world is moving so fast, that if you limit yourself by not learning- you will get outdated. Learn new things, it prepares you for newer opportunity. Don’t limit yourself: everyone father’s farm is always the biggest until that one moves out to learn and find out new things about what’s really happening. Don’t be a local champion; transcend that environment. Carry your own atmosphere.
(2) Right People- you want to sharpen the axe, then move with the right people. ‘Right people’ here means people who have something to do with your purpose and vision in life. People can make you and people can break you: It amazing how people can influence us in life. When we allow negative thinking people to intrude our lives, before long we start to get influence by them. That’s why we need to build ourselves up, so we will always have our presence with us- carry our atmosphere wherever we go. Get the right folks into your life; it will help you a great deal. Instead of going around- looking for the right people. This is how to do this: first become the right person, then go ahead and help those people you want to be in your life. Reach out- because you have something to give. Before long you’ll find out that your life is filled with positive and vital folks. I will continue in EXTREME MAKEOVER III in a couple of Days, Join me.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Extreme Makeover 1
For the next few weeks in this year 2009, I’m going to write about a very important subject that I’m titling-Extreme Makeover. In Personal Development we need to concentrate in developing ourselves in all areas of our life. A life that’s stops growing starts to decay. An important characteristic of Living Things is Growth. And as we move on in life, we need to be able to measure our level of growth; take track of how far we are going. And the close of the year is just a good time to do this.
It’s nice to be alive, but more importantly it’s vital to be alive to our purpose, dreams, personality. And so, the question I have for you is: have you really grown? How much is this growth? Are you really moving forward? How fast are you? I have got news for you: you can actually determine how fast you move ahead in life. But to do this, you have to know where you are right now. So where are you- where are you in your mind? Where are you in your spirit? Where are you in your body? God came to the Garden after Adam had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God asked him: where are you? And so, I am asking you today: where are you? Find out where you really are: What you’ve used your mind for through out the year. How much have you build and develop your mind. Have you really improved your abilities? Have you really followed your purpose? Did you really do the things that most matter? It’s time to take stock. You want to prepare for success with giant stride, then you must know where you really are now.
Some time ago, I learnt a very profound principle in time management. And it is: you don’t achieve more by increased speed, but by making right and important choices. Many have found themselves always busy, doing different things. But the question is: are those things really the right and necessary things. Activity doesn’t always equal effectiveness. Effectiveness has to do with achieving results.
I tell you: it’s amazing to note how a single decision, choice, activity could make a tremendous change and contribution in one’s life. At all time, you need to find out that activity or those activities which when you indulge in, will make the most impact in your life, and then do them.
Life is a fight for territory. Stop waiting for everyone to accept your ideas. Stop waiting for people‘s approval. Go ahead and make a difference. If you care about what people say or think, you will never do anything worthwhile. Decide to shake the world and you can. I will write more on this on Extreme Makeover2 Watch out.
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