Its 8 days to Christmas, 15 days to the New Year and 21 days to my Birthday (i.e. 7th Jan 2010) and we have been on our topic- Extreme makeover, this is the 3rd part of it.
I want to share about two important things to note in planning for success with giant stride:
1. Upgrade Your Experience and Environment: go out there and do something with what you’ve got- your talents, opportunities and abilities. Go and get the experience. The more you use what you have, the more you will learn about it. There is so much that action does. Many are use to just learning- but learning is not enough. I like Nike motto ‘Just Do It!’ Let that be your personal slogan too. Get in the game; enough of just talking about what you want to do. Go do it today, you will be amazed things are not as difficult as they seem.
Also, upgrade your environment. Your environment starts from you-That is your mind, your body, your surroundings, your room. Clean up yourself. Dress for the job-dress for that person you want to be. Start thinking like your ‘dream self’ today. Start talking like it. It’s called ‘fake it till you make it’, but I like calling it ‘make it till you make it’
2. Prayer- how vital it is for us to pray. Prayer exercises our spirit. It makes our Spirit more aware of reality. When you pray, you are activating and energizing your spirit- man. Learn to always refresh yourself like this. Prayer is more than just asking God to do something. It’s more! I remember a friend of mine once ask me if I believed in long prayers. She said, ‘I don’t think all that is necessary, God loves me, why do I have to pray for so much, for Him to hear me’. ‘Is He that wicked?’ She asked.
I looked at her and I know she represents a lot of people. And I asked her a question: do you think when you pray to God- it is only God you are dealing with? She paused and started thinking. I said, ‘for your information, when you pray to God, is not only God you are dealing with. You are dealing with yourself, and even other Spiritual beings’. The bible says, ‘We use God's mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil's strongholds.’ (2 Cor 10:4NLT)
So, sharpen your spirit through prayer, and mind you- not five minutes prayer. Pray so much, you need it: and do it by faith, believing and knowing that God hears you. See you next week. If you read this, please Comment, I will like to hear from you- love you.
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