I like to share with you at this critical point of the year some of my most vital meditations, i know you will learn some very important things reading this: A true king is a king inside and outside. As an individual, be real. Know who are you- and be real. The Bible says, ‘God has made us Kings’. Live that way. Many people don’t know how to merge up spiritual and physical things together. And so they concentrate wrongly. Real live starts from the spirit, however you can make spiritual things real in the realm of the physical. In order words, spiritual things is not for the spirit only, it’s for the physical realm. We as Christians actually live in two worlds. Live real; success is not supposed to be a vague thing at all. ‘Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.’ 1 Tim 4:15-16NKJV. If you are a success in the spirit, be a success in this physical realm too. Jesus said ‘Whatever is bond in earth is bond in heaven also’. Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18
The level of your background knowledge can be your limit, if you allow it. For instant, think of a Brother who is ‘efficient’ in spiritual things- he can pray, he reads his bible, he knows different verses. But then, when it comes to physical aspect of things, somehow he lacks. It is a big challenge for him to get the funds; he can’t really get things done in this realm. No result in this realm. He even fails in class after praying.
And then there’s another one: he’s always serious minded, he reads well when he was in school. He had good results, then a good job. He had connections all over the world, maybe because he was erudite. But he didn’t know anything spiritually. One day he was travelling from a global conference, and the airplane was getting off course. He couldn’t do anything about it. After all, he doesn’t know what he could do. He crashed- died so suddenly at a tender age.
But I came to tell you; you ought to have it all. You can have successes physically and spiritually always- if you know how. God designed us to have it all. The Bible says, ‘The children of this age are in their time wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8. When Jesus showed up at the grave of Lazarus, He knew He could raise the death, and He was ready. But then, he said to the people: roll away the stone. Luke 11:39. That was a physical responsibility they needed to participate in. Give unto Caesars what is Caesar's and unto God what is God’s. Be as wise as serpent and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16
You see, in heaven your heart speaks louder than your voice (action). And in the earth, your voice (action) speaks louder than your heart. And you need to balance this, because you live in two worlds. Jesus was said to have favour with God and with man Luke 2:52
How do you balance this? This is the principle: In the beginning, God created man first spiritually and then formed him physically. Gen1:26-27; Gen 2:7. Start out first spiritually- create what you want spiritually from your spirit. But it doesn’t end there, form that thing physically. For example, talking about an exam: pray as though all you need to pass is the prayer; then read as though all you need to pass is that reading.
I tell you: you can have it all. Be real; be a doer…I repeat-a doer. It is easy to talk, it is easy to hear. But to complete the job you must do. I say do- do the word.
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