Today, I will like to write about how to make things more effective in your life: how to achieve things faster. We are about entering a new year, and I tell you- you need to prepare for it in a big way. You need to decide that it is going to be your best year ever. With you functioning with the required knowledge, attitude and wisdom, it will be.
You see, it is said that one of the definition of madness is- to always do what you have been doing and expect a different result. How true! You want a different result, then do things differently. You want a smart result, do things smartly. So let’s talk about Sharpening the Saw. “A dull saw requires great strength. Be wise and sharpen the blade” (Ecc 10:10). Your ‘Saw’ are the things –gifts God has given you. Your life, mind, body, Spirit are all gifts from God-you need to sharpen it constantly.
Many find themselves struggling in life because they don’t sharpen these: they don’t improve their mind and so they loose opportunities. They don’t take care of their body and so it gets weak. They don’t exercise their spirit- and their attitude is affected. But the Bible says, Be wise and Sharpen the Blade’. Your life is a gift of love and trust, so keep it and dress it. I want to share with you some point on how to do this:
(1) Knowledge- how vital knowledge is in the world we are in today. you need to constantly get yourself updated in learning. Constantly learn things about your business, job, course and activities around you. Get the required information. Many people have found themselves suddenly outdated-just because the were oblivious of this fact. The world is moving so fast, that if you limit yourself by not learning- you will get outdated. Learn new things, it prepares you for newer opportunity. Don’t limit yourself: everyone father’s farm is always the biggest until that one moves out to learn and find out new things about what’s really happening. Don’t be a local champion; transcend that environment. Carry your own atmosphere.
(2) Right People- you want to sharpen the axe, then move with the right people. ‘Right people’ here means people who have something to do with your purpose and vision in life. People can make you and people can break you: It amazing how people can influence us in life. When we allow negative thinking people to intrude our lives, before long we start to get influence by them. That’s why we need to build ourselves up, so we will always have our presence with us- carry our atmosphere wherever we go. Get the right folks into your life; it will help you a great deal. Instead of going around- looking for the right people. This is how to do this: first become the right person, then go ahead and help those people you want to be in your life. Reach out- because you have something to give. Before long you’ll find out that your life is filled with positive and vital folks. I will continue in EXTREME MAKEOVER III in a couple of Days, Join me.
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