Monday, December 28, 2009


I like to share with you at this critical point of the year some of my most vital meditations, i know you will learn some very important things reading this: A true king is a king inside and outside. As an individual, be real. Know who are you- and be real. The Bible says, ‘God has made us Kings’. Live that way. Many people don’t know how to merge up spiritual and physical things together. And so they concentrate wrongly. Real live starts from the spirit, however you can make spiritual things real in the realm of the physical. In order words, spiritual things is not for the spirit only, it’s for the physical realm. We as Christians actually live in two worlds. Live real; success is not supposed to be a vague thing at all. ‘Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.’ 1 Tim 4:15-16NKJV. If you are a success in the spirit, be a success in this physical realm too. Jesus said ‘Whatever is bond in earth is bond in heaven also’. Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18
The level of your background knowledge can be your limit, if you allow it. For instant, think of a Brother who is ‘efficient’ in spiritual things- he can pray, he reads his bible, he knows different verses. But then, when it comes to physical aspect of things, somehow he lacks. It is a big challenge for him to get the funds; he can’t really get things done in this realm. No result in this realm. He even fails in class after praying.
And then there’s another one: he’s always serious minded, he reads well when he was in school. He had good results, then a good job. He had connections all over the world, maybe because he was erudite. But he didn’t know anything spiritually. One day he was travelling from a global conference, and the airplane was getting off course. He couldn’t do anything about it. After all, he doesn’t know what he could do. He crashed- died so suddenly at a tender age.
But I came to tell you; you ought to have it all. You can have successes physically and spiritually always- if you know how. God designed us to have it all. The Bible says, ‘The children of this age are in their time wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8. When Jesus showed up at the grave of Lazarus, He knew He could raise the death, and He was ready. But then, he said to the people: roll away the stone. Luke 11:39. That was a physical responsibility they needed to participate in. Give unto Caesars what is Caesar's and unto God what is God’s. Be as wise as serpent and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16
You see, in heaven your heart speaks louder than your voice (action). And in the earth, your voice (action) speaks louder than your heart. And you need to balance this, because you live in two worlds. Jesus was said to have favour with God and with man Luke 2:52
How do you balance this? This is the principle: In the beginning, God created man first spiritually and then formed him physically. Gen1:26-27; Gen 2:7. Start out first spiritually- create what you want spiritually from your spirit. But it doesn’t end there, form that thing physically. For example, talking about an exam: pray as though all you need to pass is the prayer; then read as though all you need to pass is that reading.
I tell you: you can have it all. Be real; be a doer…I repeat-a doer. It is easy to talk, it is easy to hear. But to complete the job you must do. I say do- do the word.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Its 8 days to Christmas, 15 days to the New Year and 21 days to my Birthday (i.e. 7th Jan 2010) and we have been on our topic- Extreme makeover, this is the 3rd part of it.
I want to share about two important things to note in planning for success with giant stride:
1. Upgrade Your Experience and Environment: go out there and do something with what you’ve got- your talents, opportunities and abilities. Go and get the experience. The more you use what you have, the more you will learn about it. There is so much that action does. Many are use to just learning- but learning is not enough. I like Nike motto ‘Just Do It!’ Let that be your personal slogan too. Get in the game; enough of just talking about what you want to do. Go do it today, you will be amazed things are not as difficult as they seem.
Also, upgrade your environment. Your environment starts from you-That is your mind, your body, your surroundings, your room. Clean up yourself. Dress for the job-dress for that person you want to be. Start thinking like your ‘dream self’ today. Start talking like it. It’s called ‘fake it till you make it’, but I like calling it ‘make it till you make it’
2. Prayer- how vital it is for us to pray. Prayer exercises our spirit. It makes our Spirit more aware of reality. When you pray, you are activating and energizing your spirit- man. Learn to always refresh yourself like this. Prayer is more than just asking God to do something. It’s more! I remember a friend of mine once ask me if I believed in long prayers. She said, ‘I don’t think all that is necessary, God loves me, why do I have to pray for so much, for Him to hear me’. ‘Is He that wicked?’ She asked.
I looked at her and I know she represents a lot of people. And I asked her a question: do you think when you pray to God- it is only God you are dealing with? She paused and started thinking. I said, ‘for your information, when you pray to God, is not only God you are dealing with. You are dealing with yourself, and even other Spiritual beings’. The bible says, ‘We use God's mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil's strongholds.’ (2 Cor 10:4NLT)
So, sharpen your spirit through prayer, and mind you- not five minutes prayer. Pray so much, you need it: and do it by faith, believing and knowing that God hears you. See you next week. If you read this, please Comment, I will like to hear from you- love you.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Extreme Makeover II – Sharpen the Saw

Today, I will like to write about how to make things more effective in your life: how to achieve things faster. We are about entering a new year, and I tell you- you need to prepare for it in a big way. You need to decide that it is going to be your best year ever. With you functioning with the required knowledge, attitude and wisdom, it will be.
You see, it is said that one of the definition of madness is- to always do what you have been doing and expect a different result. How true! You want a different result, then do things differently. You want a smart result, do things smartly. So let’s talk about Sharpening the Saw. “A dull saw requires great strength. Be wise and sharpen the blade” (Ecc 10:10). Your ‘Saw’ are the things –gifts God has given you. Your life, mind, body, Spirit are all gifts from God-you need to sharpen it constantly.
Many find themselves struggling in life because they don’t sharpen these: they don’t improve their mind and so they loose opportunities. They don’t take care of their body and so it gets weak. They don’t exercise their spirit- and their attitude is affected. But the Bible says, Be wise and Sharpen the Blade’. Your life is a gift of love and trust, so keep it and dress it. I want to share with you some point on how to do this:
(1) Knowledge- how vital knowledge is in the world we are in today. you need to constantly get yourself updated in learning. Constantly learn things about your business, job, course and activities around you. Get the required information. Many people have found themselves suddenly outdated-just because the were oblivious of this fact. The world is moving so fast, that if you limit yourself by not learning- you will get outdated. Learn new things, it prepares you for newer opportunity. Don’t limit yourself: everyone father’s farm is always the biggest until that one moves out to learn and find out new things about what’s really happening. Don’t be a local champion; transcend that environment. Carry your own atmosphere.
(2) Right People- you want to sharpen the axe, then move with the right people. ‘Right people’ here means people who have something to do with your purpose and vision in life. People can make you and people can break you: It amazing how people can influence us in life. When we allow negative thinking people to intrude our lives, before long we start to get influence by them. That’s why we need to build ourselves up, so we will always have our presence with us- carry our atmosphere wherever we go. Get the right folks into your life; it will help you a great deal. Instead of going around- looking for the right people. This is how to do this: first become the right person, then go ahead and help those people you want to be in your life. Reach out- because you have something to give. Before long you’ll find out that your life is filled with positive and vital folks. I will continue in EXTREME MAKEOVER III in a couple of Days, Join me.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Extreme Makeover 1

For the next few weeks in this year 2009, I’m going to write about a very important subject that I’m titling-Extreme Makeover. In Personal Development we need to concentrate in developing ourselves in all areas of our life. A life that’s stops growing starts to decay. An important characteristic of Living Things is Growth. And as we move on in life, we need to be able to measure our level of growth; take track of how far we are going. And the close of the year is just a good time to do this.
It’s nice to be alive, but more importantly it’s vital to be alive to our purpose, dreams, personality. And so, the question I have for you is: have you really grown? How much is this growth? Are you really moving forward? How fast are you? I have got news for you: you can actually determine how fast you move ahead in life. But to do this, you have to know where you are right now. So where are you- where are you in your mind? Where are you in your spirit? Where are you in your body? God came to the Garden after Adam had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God asked him: where are you? And so, I am asking you today: where are you? Find out where you really are: What you’ve used your mind for through out the year. How much have you build and develop your mind. Have you really improved your abilities? Have you really followed your purpose? Did you really do the things that most matter? It’s time to take stock. You want to prepare for success with giant stride, then you must know where you really are now.
Some time ago, I learnt a very profound principle in time management. And it is: you don’t achieve more by increased speed, but by making right and important choices. Many have found themselves always busy, doing different things. But the question is: are those things really the right and necessary things. Activity doesn’t always equal effectiveness. Effectiveness has to do with achieving results.
I tell you: it’s amazing to note how a single decision, choice, activity could make a tremendous change and contribution in one’s life. At all time, you need to find out that activity or those activities which when you indulge in, will make the most impact in your life, and then do them.
Life is a fight for territory. Stop waiting for everyone to accept your ideas. Stop waiting for people‘s approval. Go ahead and make a difference. If you care about what people say or think, you will never do anything worthwhile. Decide to shake the world and you can. I will write more on this on Extreme Makeover2 Watch out.

Friday, November 13, 2009

No Excuse!

People especially in this part of the world are quick to give excuse- reasons why they didn’t and can’t do what they ought to do and why they can’t achieve a dream. But I tell you: get out of that rut. Do away with that habit, because it’s not the habit of the ‘successful’. It’s a habit of the one who fails. I always like to define excuse as: a reason for failure. Every time you give an excuse, you are giving a reason for failure. You are giving a reason not to perform.
Remove all the excuse you would have given from you. Understand no excuse is ever good enough for not achieving your dream. But if you allow yourself, you will always find reasons why you can’t do what you ought to do. No one can stop you in life: the only person that can ever stop you is you. Go ahead and achieve your dreams. What would have been a limitation, use as a stepping stone: fuel your dream.
Go find out- poor people are always filled with excuses. They don’t give excuse because they are poor; rather they are poor because they give excuse. Every time a man manufacture excuses, he’s attracting failure. Decide, face your dragon, conquer the handicaps, hang up your hang ups, go ahead and produce results. The world doesn’t get attracted to failure and excuses; they only celebrate victory, success. No one will embrace or love you for your failure, so don’t think your excuse can work. It has never worked for any man.
The bible says, The lazy man is full of excuses. "I can't go to work!" he says. "If I go outside, I might meet a lion in the street and be killed!" (Prov 22:13TLB). He stays inside afraid of the unknown and gives reasons for failure. Why? Because he doesn’t understand; he doesn’t know. I used to think if only that man knews who he really is- that a bigger and greater lion actually resides in him. That greater (mightier) is He that is in him than he who is in the world. He will step out with confidence: and that’s why I am telling you this now. You can achieve anything you choose to. Go and do it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Don’t Live as a Photocopy

This last weekend I spoke to almost a hundred special people during a Leadership and Business Summit. It was a time of learning, discovery and decisions. I will give you more details on that later. But for now, let’s look into this:
In the world of today- full of competition, what will set a man aside is ‘his uniqueness’. You have to know you are unique; you are one of a kind. As you begin to harness your uniqueness, what value you will create. Many are used to competing against other people. But I tell you: the first person you should compete with is yourself. Break your own records, outdo your past, run with more energy. Invest in yourself: you are of great value. There is no one like you, there’s no one who was ever like you, and no one will ever be like you. Because you are You in your class. Come home; stop comparing yourself with the multitude. Create your own destiny. You have gifts and talents-stir up those gifts in you. Improve your abilities, and as you do put commercial value on it. You see, if you truly capitalize on your uniqueness, no one can truly and safely compete with you. Stop the constant and consistent limitation. Imitation is limitation. There’s a way you do or can do things that no one can truly and safely do it that way. When you just come to the world and do all that has been done, the way it has been done, then you don’t prove your uniqueness. Be different, because you are different.
Decide to make the world a better place than you met it. Someone is waiting for a lifetime on the gift that God placed in you. Don’t cheat them; don’t cheat yourself of this great opportunity. God invested in you- proof him to be a good investor by your act. When you use what and all God gave to you, you are telling Him: ‘God, you made the right choice and decision by investing in me’.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let That Picture Always Be There

Always let the picture of where you are going always be in front of you. Many give up, many are weary, many do the wrong things, and many take wrong decisions because they lose focus- they consider the wrong things. In life, there will always be different things generally trying to get your attention, but you have to make up your mind only to focus on what’s right for you. Focus on your dreams, desire and your destination. As long as you do, you’ll sure keep moving. And the more intense you focus on it, the faster you’ll move. For me, when I started focusing more on my desires to build businesses, suddenly things started happening: the people, resources, logistics I need started falling into place for me. When I prayed, I could pray in faith, because I had a desire, a picture of what I wanted to see.
Everyday, things and people will seek for your attention. Situations will show up- the right and incidentally the wrong things. But with the right focus, you’ll always go for what’s right and necessary in every situation. Don’t be distracted, stand firm. The bible says, ‘a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. They can't make up their minds. They waver back and forth in everything they do’. (James 1:6-8)NLT. So it’s time to be more focussed. Look to your dream everyday; let it always be in front of you. It should be what matters to you. Let the picture of success, victory, impact be in front of you always. Don’t doubt! You are able to do much more than you can imagine now. Look inside, a hero resides in you, stand up tall and focus. You are a king, so you live as one, dress as one, see yourself as one.

Treat Your Dream as a Lover

Sometimes people don’t know how to treat their dream: they remember it at times and forget it at other times. They treat it casually. I’ve got news for you: that will not work.
You should always treat your dream as a lover. If you treat a lover casually, you will most likely not enjoy the relationship you have with them. How do you treat a lover? Answer that question for yourself; think about it. And when you answer, treat your dream exactly as you’ll treat a lover. I endeavoured to answer that question my own way:
1. You give a lover attention and time: This is exactly what you should do to your dreams. Your dream is calling on you. It wants you to work on it. Do something that will make you move closer to its fulfilment. The more you answer the call of your dream, the closer the fulfilment of your dream to you. I can remember moments with my close friends now; being with them makes me almost lose my sense of time: suddenly three hours can look like three minutes. That what you should definitely do towards your dream, be so obsess with it that your put in your time and resources into it.
2. You treat a lover with respect: No one really has to explain to you how to respect someone you love: It comes naturally. You just appreciate them; you want to complement them. That’s exactly what you should do to your dream. Respect your dream, don’t allow anyone to talk you down. Put a premium on your dream; it should matter to you the most. If you don’t respect what you have, no one will respect it. But as you take it seriously, and talk positively about it, people will start seeing it that way. You dream demands your respect, give that respect to it today.
3. You spend your money and resources on a lover: You naturally like to invest your money on a lover without actually feeling it. This should go with you dream too. Put your money where your mouth is. If a dream really matters to you, you’ll always be ready to invest your money in it. Knowing what percentage of your money a dream consumes, I can tell how important that dream really is to you.
4. You can go any length to fulfil a lover: when you really love someone, you can sacrifice, do anything, and go beyond your comfort zone-just to make them comfortable. Love gives, love sacrifices, love look beyond the present. That’s what you should do to your dream. What’s your dream? What do you want? And then, what are you willing to pay for what you want. You should be able to give everything for your dream today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It’s Up To You

I’m on my bed about to sleep right now, but then some thoughts and questions are flashing in my mind: where’ll I be in five Years time… in ten Years time? To answer this, another thought says: You will be exactly where you want to be. In other words, I am a critical decider of my path in life. Yes, God is a partner but God cannot do for me what I do not want. It is important to note this. You can actually decide how successful, rich and happy you will be, it’s up to you. God has provided all the resources you need to use in life; all has been made available to you. All you require is to access it. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think according to the power at work in you. Can you see is all up to you? We are the captain of our ship. Where will you ride this ship –your life to? Will you ride it to success, victory and riches continually? It’s all up to you. A hero lives in you- that’s the real you; your spirit. And He’s the one that makes you a success. Harness that latent power of the human spirit. Recreate your world.
Any dream that can’t come to pass don’t come to the world. As long as you can dream it, then it can happen. If you have a real dream, show it! It should be seen in your talk, walk and demeanour. Yes, your dream will be tested, but if it is real, it will stand the test of time. Never look down; always look up. You are a king and you are special.
Every decision you take or refuse to take has a consequence. You decision can make you happy tomorrow, and it can also make you sad. So let your decisions count for you. Take decisions for the right things. Don’t deceive yourself: it’s no use. When you know the truth and ignore it, you deceive yourself. Let every moment count for you. Each second of your life is actually important-treat it thus. Picture the type of life you should and want to have in Ten Years time. Work towards it-start now.

When Last Did He Say I Love You to You

Yes, I’m talking about…God. When last did God say, ‘I love you’ to you. If you can’t remember, then I tell you: you haven’t been listening to Him. Maybe you are just too busy or been negligent, because God always says, ‘I love you’.
Many haven’t discovered how ‘great’ the love of God is. The Bible says that it has length, breath, height and depth. God is so rich in mercy; he loves us so very much (Eph 2:4 NLT). Just think about it. If you really come to know this, you won’t live in fear anymore. Perfect love drives out fears.
Stop trying- and trying without results. Come home; starts out from where God placed you. It’s a place of rest; God keeps in perfect peace all who trusts Him. Yes work hard, but do your hard work in rest, knowing that He is the one who produces the strength. And that all things work together for your good. What’s your dream like? God has more than enough ability, resources to perform it. Flow with His power, His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of-infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. I tell you today: leave all worries once and for all with Him, for He cares for you. Take advantage of this today. Nothing is too good for you, because God is saying at this moment: I love You.

Friday, September 4, 2009

He Wants to Fulfil your Desire

You are welcome to the month of September, it's a beautiful Month already. One of the beautiful things I have learnt about God is that: he wants to fulfil my desire. Many don’t know this: They don’t like to ask or make specific demands, when given opportunity to make a request they either ignore it or say ‘give me anything’. God is tired of you saying, ‘just give me anything’. He wants you to say what you really want. Jesus said, ‘you shall have what you say’. He gives us all things to enjoy. Many don’t understand this depth, and I think it’s for the same reason they don’t understand what love really is. God is love, if God is love, it means love is God. Love always reaches out to give to you.
Many go through life, hoping life will give them what it thinks they deserve. They think it’s humility to answer ‘give me anything’ when asked what they want. Men ask them, life asks them, God asks them what they want, and then, they say ‘give me anything’. Never make that mistake- there’s nothing as ‘anything’. When you relinquish the responsibility of what you should get to others to determine- you may get nothing. Because they may just think and feel that’s exactly what you want. Decide what you want and go for it. Voice out; you have to say it out. And to say it out, you must really know what you want.
Blind bartimeus cried out to Jesus, ‘have mercy on me’. Jesus showed up to him and asked, ‘what do you want me to do’. Jesus doesn’t want to assume. Then Bartimeus said, ‘that I may receive my sight (Mark 10:46-52). The man had to say what he really wanted’.
Someone may think and ask, ‘what if my desires are wrong’. All you need to do is to continually feed yourself with God’s word of love and faith. And pray more- when you pray God’s will is manifested in your spirit. Your thoughts spontaneously align with His. That’s what happened when Jesus said in prayer to God, ‘not my will, but yours’.
Make a decision to grow up everyday by using the right materials-books, audio messages, and getting the required experience. As you do, you will know you deserve what you want. And then, don’t stop there. Go ahead and demand what you want. You’ll be amazed how quickly you will get it. Ask and it will be given unto you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Very Important Secret to Success

You want to live a very successful life- then show up to your dreams, goals and purpose swiftly and consistently. To be very successful we must be quick to use what we have learnt. Many are accustomed to only learning and learning: reading books of success from different authors. But you see knowledge is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. When you continuously use what you have and know, where you are, you will see what drastic result you will start producing.
To be successful doesn’t mean you’ve to know everything about life. In fact, to know more in an effective way, you have to use what you know. Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice (James1:22 TEV). Don’t read about success and start saying, ‘that thing didn’t work’, but ask yourself: have I really practice it, did I learn it rightly.
We should put to work more of what we are learning than seeking to learn more. As you learn about God, life, success put it to work for yourself. For many, it is easy to learn something; it is easy to talk about something they’ve learnt. So let us practice it easily and swiftly also. Don’t deceive yourself.
Things are not as hard as they initially look generally. Launch out- you will be amazed how much you can actually accomplish.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do More

There is a need for us as individuals to get more life experience. I look into the world that we live in today and I see a lot of people choosing ‘safety’ ahead of freedom. They like to keep their talent, so that no one will laugh at their dream. They cling to a ‘safe’ job, because they think that’s the only way out. They fail because they are afraid to try. Freedom is much better than safety; it better to be free than to be merely safe. That is, to be free to live- to be what and all that God wants for you. A prisoner behind the bar is sure safe, but he isn’t free.
Did you know your dreams can’t wait? Find a way to live it. Nobody may be able to tell you the specifics on how to live your dream, but you should be able to, because in every dream there is a way. If the Wright brothers kept their dream to themselves, maybe we’ll still have to be travelling on sea to go overseas. Make your coming to this world count. Don’t merely exist, live to the full. You see, talk doesn’t cook the rice. To make it count, you must do. You must go ahead of yourself and live distinguishingly. When others are sleeping, you may need to be working. Yes, you pay the price. Do more, think more, pray more and live more.

Live Deliberately

You can be what you want to be: all you need is the right knowledge, wisdom and attitude. If you decide what you want and go for it, you will get it. A lot of times what people call their dream are actually wishful thinking. This is so because they’ve never put ‘this dream’ to work. I tell you: live deliberately- decide how, where and what you want to do.
I’ve got news for you: Hoping that things will fall into place is not enough; you are the one to make things fall into place for you. This is a vital truth you must understand. For some people, this is good news- it offers them the opportunity to make things happen. But to some others- it isn’t; they are too scared to make things happen and so they freak out. Where do you stand?
Decide what you want. Do things that you know can help you achieve your dreams. Define what you want, find the price and pay it. Every result has a how, find it and go to work. Life is too short (even if you lived to be 150) to cross your legs and wait for things to happen. It’s high time you made things happen in your life. Many fail because of their thinking: when you think wrong, your life goes wrong. Don’t think you can’t do what you ought to do. Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about. (Phil 4:8TLB).
In whatever you want to do, ask yourself about what results you’ll want to achieve with it. Live consciously. Many make decision rashly; they think rashly and act rashly. They go out for the day without a plan, and then they wonder why they didn’t achieve anything worthwhile that day. But why should they? They got what you planned for: nothing. Don’t act that way: not only should you decide and plan what you want, put your plan to work.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What will You Do?

God has given you so many things- what will you do with them? Some people are keeping what they have; some others are always asking for more, while some don’t even know they have something. They ask: what do I have? Do I have something? Yes you do! To start with you have: eyes, legs, hands, body, friends, neighbours, brain (mind), opportunities. All these are so important; have you really taken advantage of it. A lot of times people concentrate on inadequacies, helplessness, but not on their adequacies. I'm asking: what are you going to do with what God gave you?
Talking about your brain, scientist said it so complex and wonderfully fashioned; It contains about 14 billion cells.
Lessons from Matt 25:14-29
God never gets sympathetic on (cannot help) a man who will not change his situation with what he has.
There’s always an option; there’s always something you can do.
The issue is not about what God will give you, but what God has given you.
The people who are successful in the world are not people who God gave more, but those who made use of what they had.
To some people the world has become so wicked that they can’t dream again.
God is not poor, why are His kid thinking poor.

Aknowledging You

In life, you really have to understand who you are. Learn how to look inwards and appreciate what you have. How important for us to look inside instead of looking around. Believe the one that God made, you.
One of the things I have discovered is that the ‘answers’ are inside of us; all we need is inside of us. Let this dawn on you. Walk in confidence. Find out- pull out these things that God has placed in you. The Bible says, ‘we have these treasures in earthen vessels…’ God didn’t make a man without handing him something. A man who says that he doesn’t have, don’t know what he has. And then the looking around to find what he thinks he needs will make him to miss out on what’s with him. Quit from the noisy spirit- a life that always need someone or something. Why do you think you need someone or something, when you don’t even need yourself? If you do not appreciate who you are, what you’ve got- then how in the world should someone else be obligated to. Appreciate yourself and what you’ve got; get ready to make use of it where you are. Before long, people will necessarily notice you. Your life starts from you.
A prove that you can do big things is the little things you do well. The truth is that you cannot know how much you can do until you begin. So now is the best time to be alive and productive. He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life By Design

One of the greatest problems in the world is ignorance of identity. Many have found themselves in situation where they don’t know who they are; what they are made up of; what they came for; and whose they are. And so, they live ignorantly.
God made us to live by design- to live on purpose. You see, there’s a reason you are here on earth: make sure you fill in your own piece of the puzzle. Use your unique and special gifts. You were made an irreplaceable breed.
Our mission chooses usDon’t miss out on God’s best, don’t settle for less. Come to find out God’s dream for your life, and follow after it. You see, God provides for the vision.
As you find your purpose in life, ignite your passion. We choose our profession, but not our mission. Many go through years of ‘wilderness experience’ because they don’t know who they are. They put the cart before the horse. That doesn’t work. Decide to make things happen in your life. Put first things first: know yourself. And true knowledge has to do with God. Find out who you are and what you really about, because without this, you would have difficulty in figuring out what you are to become in life- your purpose. By really knowing yourself you will be able to renew and reinvent yourself for every change and challenge you will face in life. Through soul searching you could come to know what you are made up of.
When you have convictions in your life, you will be ready to really live, because you’ll go in the direction of your knowledge; you live passionately, with enthusiastically and courageously. You know what: your dreams can’t wait, live it! After all that’s the reason you came. Live by design- by God’s given purpose. Make an impact in your generation. The world is waiting for you.

Living With Courage

The way you live and the quality of life you reflect are up to you. Life is a choice. You can choose to be bold, optimistic, happy and full of life. You can also choose to fear- to think you cannot ‘do it’. You can choose to make excuse. There are people who always make things happen, however some others like to always give reasons why they can’t do what they ought to do. It’s all a matter of choice.
Courage makes champion out of usTo live successfully, you must constantly choose to be courageous-to live with strength inside of you. Face your life with strength; you’ll be amazed the walls of limitation that people talk about are unreal.
Courage makes champion out of us: makes us decide our fate. Don’t wait for ‘right circumstances’; make them. You’ve got the power to create the world- the atmosphere you live in. As a man of courage, you’ll do what you want to do in spite of what’s happening around you. Many cower because they don’t really know who they are. When you discover who you are: you’ll square up, chest up, and raise your head up-ready to make an impact in the world.
You’re never alone. Open your eyes to see that: they that are with you are so much. Have faith in God: your faith should make you one of the most courageous persons in the whole wide world.
There is a difference between mere existing and living. You were not created to exist but to live. To always live on the same side of fear is to merely exist. Don’t make ‘life’ always push you around. Don’t merely struggle to get by in you family, business, job, relationships, finances. Live life to the full- be the captain of your ship, because you are anyway. You deserve and have been given the best of life, live it.