Winning Always
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Your Life is Your decisions
Somehow everyone must decide what quality of life he or she wants to live. It is interesting how people could view life differently: while to some it is like a playground, to some other it is a battle field. Some see it as something to be spent, while others see it as an opportunity to invest. Decide how you really want to see life. If you want to live an outstanding and fulfilling life, you must start to see life as that.
Life is a gift- a gift of love and trust. This Gift came from God, and you should know that every good and prefect gift comes from above. The way we live is the gift we give back to God. Won’t you rather take your life more seriously? Decide to produce fruit- lasting fruit. Decide to be successful-so successful. Decide to be rich- so rich. Decide to be happy- so happy. Decide to be the best in all that you do. Your true decision becomes your reality. When you decide you want something and you align your thoughts with that choice, nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it. This makes me remember one talk I had about a year ago with some young people. I titled it then ‘Motivations of Success’. I remember I told them that they should decide to be success, happy and prosperous. And that above them wanting it for themselves, they should know that: that’s what God want for them. That even if ordinarily they won’t want it- but because God want it for them- they should make that their motivation. Jesus said, ‘I choose you so that you will produce fruit, fruits that will last’ John 16:15. Never let another day pass without you living your dreams out. God wants you happy, prosperous and fulfilled. Accept that offer and personalize it. Do everything you can to make it work.
And know this- you are not really happy until someone is happy through you. You are not fulfilled, until you make someone fulfilled in one way or the other. So it’s time to reach out. Make your world a better place than you met it. Show love- love the unloved, touch the untouched, reach the unreached. Practice what you believe.
Life is a gift- a gift of love and trust. This Gift came from God, and you should know that every good and prefect gift comes from above. The way we live is the gift we give back to God. Won’t you rather take your life more seriously? Decide to produce fruit- lasting fruit. Decide to be successful-so successful. Decide to be rich- so rich. Decide to be happy- so happy. Decide to be the best in all that you do. Your true decision becomes your reality. When you decide you want something and you align your thoughts with that choice, nothing and no one can stop you from achieving it. This makes me remember one talk I had about a year ago with some young people. I titled it then ‘Motivations of Success’. I remember I told them that they should decide to be success, happy and prosperous. And that above them wanting it for themselves, they should know that: that’s what God want for them. That even if ordinarily they won’t want it- but because God want it for them- they should make that their motivation. Jesus said, ‘I choose you so that you will produce fruit, fruits that will last’ John 16:15. Never let another day pass without you living your dreams out. God wants you happy, prosperous and fulfilled. Accept that offer and personalize it. Do everything you can to make it work.
And know this- you are not really happy until someone is happy through you. You are not fulfilled, until you make someone fulfilled in one way or the other. So it’s time to reach out. Make your world a better place than you met it. Show love- love the unloved, touch the untouched, reach the unreached. Practice what you believe.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Defining Success
Success is reaching beyond ourselves and helping others in specific ways. It’s performing with excellence: no matter the work, you do it excellently. Success is to always look out for a need and try to meet that need. It is refusing to make an excuse: use what you have, where you are.
Success comes to the one who prepares for it: Clear the area, organise your thoughts. Get rid of the negatives and prepare for prosperity. It is about keeping your eyes on the prize: It is deciding what is it you want, and then focus on it like a laser beam.
And ultimately, Success is understanding and being happy with who you are. Only you can let you down, and the only way you can do that is by not loving enough. Arise, shine; for your light has come.
Impossibility is actually ignorance. Impossibility doesn’t exist; it only exists in the mind that doesn’t know. Did you know there’s nothing that you can’t do? This knowledge is what you need. When you believe there’s a way, you will see the way. However, when you question ‘the possibility’, then you wouldn’t see what is possible. Believing is seeing. Some may say, ‘seeing is believing’, but that’s the talk of the ignorant man. You don’t need to believe what you’ve physically seen. So believing is seeing; if you believe, you will see. Did you know you can do all things through God’s power that works in you? You can! Let this dawn on you for all time. Know that all things are possible; live with high energy. Aim on the highest things in life, because that’s where you belong. Believe in the one God believes in, love the one that God loves- that’s you.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Lessons From the Eagle
An Eagle is a large bird of prey with a hooked beak and broad wing span that hunt by day. Generally the Eagle is being regarded from ancient times as a symbol of courage and power because of his superb aerial skills, large size, and inaccessibility of many of his nest sides.
The Eagle characteristics are awesome. He is bold, strong and incredibly swift. He dwells on rocks and high places of the earth. And so let’s look at its distinct characteristics in details, so that we can learn from it.
1. Eagles fly alone at high altitude: there’s a quote that says, ‘if you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys. How true. Eagles are high flyers. They’ve come to discover who they are. And as a result they blaze the trail in life. How we need to learn from this too. Too many times people find themselves limited by their environment. In the quest of mixing up, they lose their identity. But if you want to live a distinct life, you have to realize that the way of the multitude is always the way of mediocrity and average. Decide how high and far you want to go and set your sail. Don’t accept limitation. Distinguish yourself. Be different, because you are different.
2. Eagles have strong visions: the Eagle is known to have a very strong focus couple with the ability to see up to 5km distance from the air. When eagle sights a prey- even a rodent from this distance, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move its focus from the prey until he grabs it. How we need to act this way in increasing measure. Focus is essential in achieving anything in life. Set your vision before you today and focus on it like a laser beam. As you do, no one and nothing can stop you. Also the eagles are able to see extensively small details.
3. The Eagles do not eat dead thing: this is profound. The eagles only go for fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but not eagles. What do we learn from here? Go for new information, stay abreast of the facts. Stay clear of outdated information. Yesterday solutions will not solve today’s problem. So learn new things everyday. Get in the game. It’s a new world we are in today. Be a full participator.
4. The Eagles loves the storm: the eagle is the only bird that loves the storm. The Eagle provides excellent lift on rising air currents. When the cloud gathers, she gets excited. The eagle uses the wings of the storm to rise and is pushed up higher. Once its find the wings of the storm, the eagle stops flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to soar the cloud. This gives the eagle an opportunity to rest its wings. This happens while other birds hide in the leaves and branches of trees. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably. What others see as challenge, see as opportunity. See differently, talk differently, and act differently. I will continue this study in the next article, see you then.
The Eagle characteristics are awesome. He is bold, strong and incredibly swift. He dwells on rocks and high places of the earth. And so let’s look at its distinct characteristics in details, so that we can learn from it.
1. Eagles fly alone at high altitude: there’s a quote that says, ‘if you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys. How true. Eagles are high flyers. They’ve come to discover who they are. And as a result they blaze the trail in life. How we need to learn from this too. Too many times people find themselves limited by their environment. In the quest of mixing up, they lose their identity. But if you want to live a distinct life, you have to realize that the way of the multitude is always the way of mediocrity and average. Decide how high and far you want to go and set your sail. Don’t accept limitation. Distinguish yourself. Be different, because you are different.
2. Eagles have strong visions: the Eagle is known to have a very strong focus couple with the ability to see up to 5km distance from the air. When eagle sights a prey- even a rodent from this distance, he narrows his focus on it and set out to get it. No matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move its focus from the prey until he grabs it. How we need to act this way in increasing measure. Focus is essential in achieving anything in life. Set your vision before you today and focus on it like a laser beam. As you do, no one and nothing can stop you. Also the eagles are able to see extensively small details.
3. The Eagles do not eat dead thing: this is profound. The eagles only go for fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals, but not eagles. What do we learn from here? Go for new information, stay abreast of the facts. Stay clear of outdated information. Yesterday solutions will not solve today’s problem. So learn new things everyday. Get in the game. It’s a new world we are in today. Be a full participator.
4. The Eagles loves the storm: the eagle is the only bird that loves the storm. The Eagle provides excellent lift on rising air currents. When the cloud gathers, she gets excited. The eagle uses the wings of the storm to rise and is pushed up higher. Once its find the wings of the storm, the eagle stops flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to soar the cloud. This gives the eagle an opportunity to rest its wings. This happens while other birds hide in the leaves and branches of trees. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably. What others see as challenge, see as opportunity. See differently, talk differently, and act differently. I will continue this study in the next article, see you then.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Seeds of Greatness
Many desire a great, fulfilling and prosperous life. Yes, you must know what you want, but then you should be a ready and able to do what’s required to get it. Success is not accidental; things don’t just happen. In fact, we daily reap what we have sown. And that’s a vital principle of life. Instead of just hoping good things come your way, you can consciously determine what is it that you want and work towards it.
If you require greatness- then sow the seeds of greatness. The seed of vision, purpose, attitude, persistence, courage toward your dream. And as you do: don’t worry whether or not ‘it’s going to happen’. It will, if you keep going. If you plant tomato seed and you water it and makes sure it gets sunlight and nourishment, guess what? Tomatoes will eventually grow. But you can’t plant tomato seed, hoping that maize will grow. It’s the same with your dream. If you want success, you must plant for success instead of failure. You don’t set out for the north by walking east, do you? Of course not! You have to be walking in the right direction to get where you’re going. Simple but true.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Take Full Responsibility
A lot of times we don’t completely know how responsible we actually are about our lives. You are responsible for your thoughts, actions, success and all that will ultimately happen to you. I love this quote: it is not what happen to you that’s the problem but what you do with what happen to you. Many times we like to push the responsibilities of our lives to other people and things.
We say, ‘that man didn’t come, so I couldn’t do it; the boy or girl said this; they didn’t accept my proposal… We just like to relinquish and think others are responsible for what we will experience in life. That’s absolutely not right. You- not God, not people are responsible. This is the number one rule for smart living.
You are the one who will ultimately determine how happy, prosperous and influential you will be. Nothing is going to change until you change it. In fact, things are going to change for the worse until you do something about it. Take responsibility about your life, actions and thoughts.
We say, ‘that man didn’t come, so I couldn’t do it; the boy or girl said this; they didn’t accept my proposal… We just like to relinquish and think others are responsible for what we will experience in life. That’s absolutely not right. You- not God, not people are responsible. This is the number one rule for smart living.
You are the one who will ultimately determine how happy, prosperous and influential you will be. Nothing is going to change until you change it. In fact, things are going to change for the worse until you do something about it. Take responsibility about your life, actions and thoughts.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Time to be Strong

For the past few weeks we have been on the series on success. For today however, I will like to share from my random thoughts, this will help you a great deal, so read on. How we need to be strong in life: to live with strength inside of us. You see, knowledge is for use. A proof that you know something is you doing it. You don’t really know something because it’s in the head; you know when you put it to practice. There are people that learn about things- maybe about patience, but then when situations show up, when there is a heat, they can’t just control themselves again. Although they have the knowledge- they know they ought to be patient, they can’t just use that knowledge. A knowledge that can’t be used is useless. Learn to use your knowledge: that’s the way to win. ‘You are a poor specimen if you can't stand the pressure of adversity’. Prov 24:10 TLB
Nobody gets the victory without a fight. You want to experience victory, apply your knowledge, that is the right information that you have-even in the heat.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

I want to share some thoughts on success which to a large extend explains why some people are successful- really successful. As simple as these points are, if you Read, understand, put it to heart and make use of it daily- it will help you a long way.
1. How you Think is Everything: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment. This trait is one of the most important of the ‘successful’. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. Remove all impossibility mentality from your mind- strike it out from your dictionary.
2. Decide Upon Your True Dreams and Goals: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them. Someone may ask, ‘you mean I should write down my dreams and goals and develop a plan to reach them- like a project plan?’ Yes, that’s exactly what this mean. Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams.
3. Take Action: Goals are nothing without action. Be like Nike and ‘Just do it’. Take action everyday to move you closer to your goals. A good idea is nothing without the will to make it happen. When you see an opportunity, leap on it. Ask yourself this: have you taken action today towards your goals?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Never Fear Rejection

We are on the special series ‘Principles of Success’ and today I'm writing on ‘Never Fear Rejection', you’ll enjoy this.
Learn to see “no” as an opportunity, not a rejection. Prepare for greatness. You see, champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them- a desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. And the will must be stronger than the skill. Let your tenacity towards life be off the charts. I love the lyrics of song: ‘Ain’t No Stopping Us Now by Mcfadden& Whitehead’. There is so much ‘focus and hard work’ could do. So believe in yourself and go out of your way to achieve your dreams. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who push through. Refuse to accept failure: when it comes to your dream, refuse to ever take ‘no’ for an answer.
Learn what successful people do, and act that way too. Some people obviously have more going for them than others. Get to know those people. They will lead you by example, and soon you will be one of them. I have learned that successful people have a certain look: they wear certain clothes, walked and carry themselves in a certain manner. Yes, your appearance is your first impression. Think of your style carefully, and take time to do it right. When you act like a successful person and think like one, then you can never see rejection. For no one can really make you inferior without your permission. And you need to start acting successful, don’t wait. Don’t wait to see some ‘trace of material success’ first, no! Act that way first; real success starts from within you. Fortune doesn’t change men; it unmasks them. Never be discouraged in life; never let them see you sweat. Don’t just accept things around you: question the way things had been set up. Learn to ask why and why not. Have no sense of limit and have a fix on the future.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Success Ingredients

Success is discovering you. There are no naturally born failures; failure is self-made. So look inside you and find out what you have inside. And there are certain things you must do:
1. Cultivate a Discontent with Mundanity and Mediocrity in Your Life: refuse to be satisfied with anything that is mundane. Anything that is not excellent. Some people may label you braggadocios when you think like this, but never mind. Set your sail and go for it. When you win, it will be a different story.
2. Drive Yourself to Improve Your Mind and Abilities: whatever you choose to do, become the best in it. If it is good for people and good for God- Great! Go for it. Train yourself, put your abilities in front of you and say to yourself: I will manage and cultivate these. Then start and see.
3. The Unseen You is the One to Make You a Success. Train that man inside of you. There’s a man and woman of substance inside every one of us. Don’t let that inner person be intimidated. Maybe the way you were brought up: you were brought up to think you cannot amount to much. You weren’t raised to be bold. But you know what, you can make new decision today to change the future. Have new programming, new ways of thinking, new ideas, new words and change the course of your life.
4. Don’t let the Memory of the past Stop You: if your past doesn’t inspire you, dump it. You cannot change yesterday; but you can do something today that will change tomorrow. You can position yourself today and change what tomorrow will bring. So invest in your future today.
5. Conquer Your Handicaps: Let nothing stop you. That thing you would have given as a reason for failure, conquer it. Go beyond it; gain the mastery over it. Don’t let it stop you. Hang up your hang ups.
6. Transcend Your Environment: what can you really see? Start thinking of raising businesses and organisations that will rule nations. Be influential. Think of yourself as somebody special. If you don’t say who you are, ‘they’ will say who you are not. Stand up tall.
This is actually an excerpt: to get it complete, email me:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Intro: The Principles Of Success

Happy New Year to you. How has been the year? For me, I’m moving on in a big way. I’m going to be sharing some very important thoughts in the next few weeks. It will be fulfilling, inspiring and educative. I promise. And your life will never be the same by the time we are through. I’ll be titling this ‘The Principles of Success’. Indeed I will be doing this with a special approach.
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to be blessed and inspired by some people. And so, I will be sharing what I have learnt from different people- my special Role Models about the subject of success. I will be sharing parallel truths, because all truths are actually parallel.
Success s is meant for everyone. The principle of success is not a respecter of anyone. Anybody who makes use of these principles will certainly produce its corresponding results. When a person knows what a rich and successful person knows and put that to work, he or she will produce matching results. This world functions by principles and these principles will work for or against a man with or without his direct knowledge of it. Take for instance the law of gravity: that a man doesn’t accept or believe that law doesn’t nullify the law: if he walks off is balcony, he will fall down. So ignorance is not an excuse. Don’t be ignorant; learn what you ought to learn. Don’t just be sincere, because sincerity is not enough. When you are sincere without knowledge, you become sincerely wrong. And that is why I will be sharing on the ‘principles of success’ for the next few weeks, so make sure you hook up with this blog. It is time to learn the principles you didn’t really know before. And learn more and have more understanding of the ones that you do know. So watch out!
Monday, December 28, 2009

I like to share with you at this critical point of the year some of my most vital meditations, i know you will learn some very important things reading this: A true king is a king inside and outside. As an individual, be real. Know who are you- and be real. The Bible says, ‘God has made us Kings’. Live that way. Many people don’t know how to merge up spiritual and physical things together. And so they concentrate wrongly. Real live starts from the spirit, however you can make spiritual things real in the realm of the physical. In order words, spiritual things is not for the spirit only, it’s for the physical realm. We as Christians actually live in two worlds. Live real; success is not supposed to be a vague thing at all. ‘Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.’ 1 Tim 4:15-16NKJV. If you are a success in the spirit, be a success in this physical realm too. Jesus said ‘Whatever is bond in earth is bond in heaven also’. Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18
The level of your background knowledge can be your limit, if you allow it. For instant, think of a Brother who is ‘efficient’ in spiritual things- he can pray, he reads his bible, he knows different verses. But then, when it comes to physical aspect of things, somehow he lacks. It is a big challenge for him to get the funds; he can’t really get things done in this realm. No result in this realm. He even fails in class after praying.
And then there’s another one: he’s always serious minded, he reads well when he was in school. He had good results, then a good job. He had connections all over the world, maybe because he was erudite. But he didn’t know anything spiritually. One day he was travelling from a global conference, and the airplane was getting off course. He couldn’t do anything about it. After all, he doesn’t know what he could do. He crashed- died so suddenly at a tender age.
But I came to tell you; you ought to have it all. You can have successes physically and spiritually always- if you know how. God designed us to have it all. The Bible says, ‘The children of this age are in their time wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8. When Jesus showed up at the grave of Lazarus, He knew He could raise the death, and He was ready. But then, he said to the people: roll away the stone. Luke 11:39. That was a physical responsibility they needed to participate in. Give unto Caesars what is Caesar's and unto God what is God’s. Be as wise as serpent and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16
You see, in heaven your heart speaks louder than your voice (action). And in the earth, your voice (action) speaks louder than your heart. And you need to balance this, because you live in two worlds. Jesus was said to have favour with God and with man Luke 2:52
How do you balance this? This is the principle: In the beginning, God created man first spiritually and then formed him physically. Gen1:26-27; Gen 2:7. Start out first spiritually- create what you want spiritually from your spirit. But it doesn’t end there, form that thing physically. For example, talking about an exam: pray as though all you need to pass is the prayer; then read as though all you need to pass is that reading.
I tell you: you can have it all. Be real; be a doer…I repeat-a doer. It is easy to talk, it is easy to hear. But to complete the job you must do. I say do- do the word.
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